
Son De Mozart

造訪了德國Rhine River沿岸的城市Koln, Bonn, Koblenz, Mainz, Heidelberg, Rudesheim.
許多地方已經開始準備歡度06年的Mozart 250歲生日,
各地滿是Mozart的作品,弦樂小夜曲, 小步舞曲, 各式各樣的協奏曲等等,

{那時應是在找La Bamba這經典拉丁曲。高中時看的傳記影片,
原唱Richard Steven Valenzuela從貧困的墨裔家庭到成為50年代的搖滾巨星,剎那間的成名,God!!只有17歲,以墜機意外悲劇性的結束。}
Mozart meet Cuba這唱盤聽了個把月後,被其它唱盤淹沒了,

最近,因為找曲子"Son De Mozart"
{改編自Mozart "Fantasia for piano in C minor, K475"}
翩翩起舞的Bikini少女,Feel So Hot!!
{however, 現在已經深秋了。}
而這時我,究竟又想起了些什麼? ...
所謂的經典啊! La Bamba, Europa, Smooth, ...

Finally, I Found this CD.
"Son de Mozart"一定得分享..
Ur body will shake with this song just like enjoying "smooth".

"Son De Mozart"

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Klazz Brothers and Cuba Percussion,
they have a little song here for you that you might enjoy.
It's is a piece of music very well known 250 years ago.
Everybody used to dance to it, make love to it,
enjoy themselves to it,
full of trust and lust. Here it goes.
Now that we are here we would like to play to you "Son de Mozart"
it will make you happy it will make you dance
it will give you minutes of absolutely romance

Skin to skin and cheek to cheek, we like to dance
the music everyday a week
Designed to make your spirit fly so free.
There's as a magic going on, the vibe is going strong.
He is the man with the silver wings.
He used to throw parties and bombastic gigs.
Nobody else was better, created stormy weather
Vienna, Paris, London to a classic rendezvous

A mi manéra te entrego en esta canción
te recordamos Mozart por siempre
tus melodias alegran el corazón
siempre estaras presente en la gente

Mr Mozart, the man with the plan, a superstar,
a genious, no one shook his hand
many years ago
a refreshing funky show
those ladies got wild
in the premier class row
satisfaction was guaranteed
and Vienna playboys rocking the crazy heat
Very supersticious, cool and so ambitious
Amadeus come on play for us man

A mi manéra...

From Havana to Germany
all around the world he used to be
a superman of classic beat
and believe me people his music will never sleep

A mi manéra...

como no, si señor
